Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oops, time to catch up :-O

I'm about 8 things behind, so I need to play catch up. School is taking me through the ringer, especially since I graduate this semester from FSU, but have to complete 4 classes in order to do so. Grr. I wish I had a magic wand to do some of the more mundane things I need to catch up on (like housework-- can you believe my UF family housing complex is going to have a cleanliness inspection later this month? One more thing to worry about :-/), so that I can do the really really important one's without being too tired or getting around to it too late. I need a superwoman pill. Anyways, wish me luck and I hope to have a couple of Things posted by Friday.


  1. You can do it!!!

    I like your button theme. Very cute.

  2. I'm back from my trip to Pennsylvania and New York City, so I'm charged and ready to work on my "Things." Thanks!

  3. I hope you find some more time to post. We are going to have 2 catch up weeks coming up.
